Now we live in the lovely 2016 Winnabego Travato 59K

Now we live in the lovely 2016 Winnabego Travato 59K
click on the link for a Lichtsinn Motors tour of a 2017 59K

Friday, May 31, 2013

Stuff and Tornadoes

We've been thinking about tornadoes lately.  Moore, Oklahoma was big in the news and last night there was a PBS special about predicting a tornado.  Of course the Greensburg, Kansas tornado of May 4th 2007 was partly responsible for the wonderful life we live on the road now.  Tornadoes.  Two days ago, we were (and still are) parked at Camping World, Interstate Island, Syracuse, New York.  We turned on the TV and found that we were in a severe thunderstorm and tornado watch.  They're chasing us to New York State.  We were actually just ahead of many of the storms over the last few weeks or so.

So, we've been thinking about tornadoes lately.  Then I noticed according to the PBS program that the EF rating of a tornado is based on what it does to stuff, not what it does to humans.  Since we don't have much stuff, and the stuff we have is mostly always in two or three different places, we're in pretty good shape ;-) .  For now I'm pretty glad that we don't have very much stuff, just what we can carry. When severe weather gets close to us we just thank each other for the time together and hope to see each other in the morning.

I was wondering what the Indigenous people of the land we wander did when there was a tornado.  I suppose, for one, they were pretty mobile and didn't have a bunch of stuff to worry about.   I suppose the nomadic people paid attention to the weather patterns all around them and knew what to do... We're hoping to do the same as we travel.

It's pretty amazing how the potential for a tornado is there in a super-cell thunderstorm, and it can manifest or not; if it does, it sort of just appears then takes on a life of its own, destructing all in its path.  I wonder when the majority of the population is going to get it, that what we do to Earth matters and if we take care of the land, air, and water we'll all be better off; as it is, we'd better become more aware of the weather changes around us and prepare to reap the consequences of how we've treated our environment.

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